In my life I have come to know that not all of us are who we are told we are ...
Some of us came here voluntarily. For this moment in life. Common names for these people are star seeds, star children, indigo or rainbow children, light workers, gatekeepers, & yes, even earth angels.
How would you know that you are if you don't remember anything about your past lives? Let's ask ourselves some questions.
Perhaps you have always felt different. Been shunned & treated like you're crazy, outlandish, or the odd man out... Were you that child that questioned everything that society told you , or felt like it was all messed up and backwards? Have you felt alone in that knowing? Have you felt like you're in the twilight zone with the way so many others perceive reality so vastly different from you?
Do you have a strong interest in sacred geometry, spirituality, animals, & the planet? And although you hold great compassion for humanity as a whole you, and as well , are quite empathetic to them, are adversely affected by their negative energy, and cannot hardly tolerate the vibrations of these people?
Do you feel like you were born into the wrong family? Feeling a lack of love & understanding? Do you pick up on others' emotions, illness, & lies with an uncanny ease? Does this give you the desire to heal & help others? Including the planet & animals...
Is it a difficult concept to understand why or how others can be so blind to their own actions & ego based way of being?
Do you have natural abilities to heal, see the future, just know things, that are out of the ordinary for most others around you? Or any other gifted abilities that others cannot obtain without a lot of work & practice?
Did you have dreams as a child or adult of flying or going home but it wasn't Earth based?
Are you drawn to knowing more about the stars & planets, the constellations, etc. or particular species of intelligent alien life forms?
Have you ben visited by UFOs or aliens in your lifetime?
Do you have a knowing that life out there truly exists?
Ever have a feeling that something is coming, yet you can't explain what or why you feel this way?
If you have answered yes to the majority of these questions, then you are a star child who doesn't remember quite yet that you volunteered to come here for this event we now call the Great Awakening. Many of us did. It was important to make sure the ascension growth process happens this time. It is a cyclical event that comes around from time to time. It is up to humanity to grow & develop in advancing manners. Yet a reset of some sort or another takes place to set us back , keeping us from progressing to where we were always meant to be. ... As Creator Beings! Caretakers of mother Earth. Responsible, respectful cultivators, curators, & manifestos.
Why are you here at this moment, reading this article? Why are you in this moment in time we find our current planet in? Do you know? Do you feel like if you See the right answer or Hear it , then something within you will be triggered & suddenly you will have your memory jarred? Is your bullshit radar on ? What does this article say to you? Does it resonate as truth or are you adversely affected by it? Think. Think carefully about the things you've always known but couldn't understand why or how ...
Welcome, to knowing & understanding your self better! And yet, you never wanted to see yourself as special, even though you know in your soul that you Are!

I have been told that I am a first waver from Pleiades but have no memory yet, time will tell, currently feeling like I have had a few lifetimes on earth lol. Very interesting post Kelly x
Well I could be a hybrid
Really good Kelly right on sister.
This rings a whole lot of bells.