Thanks ☺️ blessings to you. Enjoy your Sunday, and remind me to send you the link to do the mod portion via zoom tomorrow, I've got a birthday party to do today for my step son lol
Do you have one you recommend . I do fall asleep to meditation or different frequencies sounds but i know it also comes from having alot of trauma over the years which requires adjustments and getting back in alignment..
Look it up on YouTube so you can play it from your phone with earbuds or a headset at night. "Binaural beats for sleep" , there are others that help heal, just change the search to that to find those. They work!
Great to see ya here. I like this platform. My saturday is going great so far. Beautiful weather we are having in the midwest today. I was finally able to get a little sleep last night so that helped. My body is fighting to get out of this sempathetic dominant state and when that happens you wake up two or three times a night and your body cannot heal and repair what it needs to which will contribute to the weakening of the body and conditions that someone would have to work extra hard to fix. so once the sleep is fixed then you can officially start healing the body they way it needs to be. How is your day going so far? I do have to mention Kelly the video you posted yesterday was intense but alot of good information. My question about that one in particular is if we are living in a hollographic illusion can we not change the scenarios that may or may not come our way such as a mass flooding of the mississippi or solar fares? Does it only effect us if we dwell on it and create it? So many say that their are ET s and angels and lightworkers helping to stop these traumatic events from devastating the earth such as the organization TLS? Their was some information about this group saying that they actually stopped a tsumani from hitting the east coast. Have you heard of this group
Great question! Yes!!! We Can absolutely change anything coming at us IF we know how to use these abilities! That's why it's so important to me that everyone realize WHO they Really are rather than binge watching whatever they watch. We need to learn, do the practice, do the homework, so we can save our planet and ourselves. I'm going to do a series on YouTube to teach simple practices to do without a class or course. Then if ppl want more, they can sign up for the classes.
@EarthSong that would be awesome Together we are a force that is unstopable. A united america cannot be divided but a united earth is a unstopable force
Awesome will do.
Do you have one you recommend . I do fall asleep to meditation or different frequencies sounds but i know it also comes from having alot of trauma over the years which requires adjustments and getting back in alignment..
Have you tried binaural beats to help you sleep? All of the brain waves help with different things. Planning on doing a video on this too soon
Great to see ya here. I like this platform. My saturday is going great so far. Beautiful weather we are having in the midwest today. I was finally able to get a little sleep last night so that helped. My body is fighting to get out of this sempathetic dominant state and when that happens you wake up two or three times a night and your body cannot heal and repair what it needs to which will contribute to the weakening of the body and conditions that someone would have to work extra hard to fix. so once the sleep is fixed then you can officially start healing the body they way it needs to be. How is your day going so far? I do have to mention Kelly the video you posted yesterday was intense but alot of good information. My question about that one in particular is if we are living in a hollographic illusion can we not change the scenarios that may or may not come our way such as a mass flooding of the mississippi or solar fares? Does it only effect us if we dwell on it and create it? So many say that their are ET s and angels and lightworkers helping to stop these traumatic events from devastating the earth such as the organization TLS? Their was some information about this group saying that they actually stopped a tsumani from hitting the east coast. Have you heard of this group
Hi Adrienne 😊 so glad to see you here today. How's your Saturday going?