ahh. Which makes sense. Then the bible in itself would be channeled messages from what some would consider prophets. I have always considered the bible to be someones preception or someones story combined into one book but would that discredit the ten conmandments then?
Rhe Biblr is written by prophets as well as 1st hand claims at times. I'm neither discrediting or crediting the 10 commandments. All but the 1 seem like good basic rules for all to follow much like the Nag Hammadi laws. It's the 1st examples of laws for a community or society. Which are necessary to some extent simply because ppl aren't taught morals and truth of Self as they should be. Once that happens these type of laws become obsolete and unnecessary. Because everyone is more highly evolved and knowledgeable.
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ahh. Which makes sense. Then the bible in itself would be channeled messages from what some would consider prophets. I have always considered the bible to be someones preception or someones story combined into one book but would that discredit the ten conmandments then?